Why Do I Feel Empty?

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Do you have trouble feeling happy? Do the things that previously brought you joy don’t anymore? 

Feeling empty inside can cause you to struggle with going through the motions of daily life. This empty feeling can seemingly come out of nowhere too, and you might be wondering what’s going on and how you can feel like yourself again.

Understanding why you feel empty can help you identify the root of the issue, and it is the first step towards feeling better. Let’s take a look at what can cause you to feel empty, and what you can do to get rid of these empty feelings. 

What Does It Mean to Feel Empty?

Depending on the person, feeling empty can mean different things. To some people, feeling empty is a lasting neutral feeling that can prevent them from feeling joy or excitement. This can cause them to feel emotionally numb, extremely bored, or generally uninterested in most things. 

Others may associate feeling empty with a lasting negative feeling that they can’t seem to shake. Feeling empty can cause them to experience persistent sadness, despair, and loneliness. Although people experience internal emptiness differently, this feeling can have a similar effect on someone’s quality of life and their ability to perform daily functions.

Persistently feeling empty can be a sign that you have atypical depression. Read our related article to discover additional symptoms and how it can be treated.

No image Text: What does feeling empty look like? Emotional trauma, extreme boredom, apathy, persistent sadness, despair, and lonliness

What Can Cause You to Feel Empty?

There are many reasons why you may feel empty inside. One of the reasons why you may feel empty is due to dissatisfaction with certain aspects of your life. This can be a wrong career choice, living in a place you don’t like, or being in an unfulfilling relationship. Not having a sense of purpose or direction is another common source of empty feelings. 

Major life changes can also lead to feelings of emptiness. Some of the major life changes that can cause you to feel empty include:

  • Loss of a loved one
  • Divorce or ended relationship
  • Unemployment or financial problems
  • Mental health issues or chronic illness

Certain major life changes, like marriage, childbirth, or accomplishing a personal achievement, may unexpectedly cause feelings of emptiness. Although these events are typically seen as positive changes, it can cause negative emotions if it doesn’t meet their expectations or bring the fulfillment they thought it would.

Image: Closeup of a woman hugging her knees into her chest. Text: Not having a sense of purpose or direction is a common source of empty feelings.

Is It Normal to Feel Empty?

It’s common for people to feel moments of emptiness from time to time, especially during low periods in their life or after major life changes. Sometimes these feelings are only temporary, and they can be resolved with positive changes. 

Other times, feeling empty can be a persistent issue that is the result of an underlying mental health condition.

Feeling Empty—A Warning Sign of Depression

Persistent feelings of emptiness is a common symptom of depression, and these feelings tend to get worse without the attention and treatment. In addition to feeling empty inside, other symptoms of depression include: 

  • Low mood and sadness
  • Feelings of helpless
  • Lack of motivation 
  • Lack of enjoyment in life
  • Feelings of separation and isolation

Depression not only affects your thoughts and emotions, but it can take a toll on your physical well-being too. Lack of energy, disrupted sleep patterns, and changes in appetite are common physical symptoms of depression.

Read our full guide for more information on depression, its symptoms, and how it’s treated.

Seeking Relief—What to Do if You Feel Empty

It’s possible to regain feelings of hopefulness and purpose. There are various techniques that can help alleviate your feelings of emptiness and bring you personal fulfillment.

Practicing mindfulness can help you understand your thoughts and emotions better by bringing your focus on what you’re feeling at the present. You practice mindfulness through meditation, journaling, and self-reflection. 

Making positive changes to your physical health and social life can also improve your mental well-being and help alleviate feelings of emptiness. Getting better sleep, exercising, and eating a nutritious diet improve your physical wellness, which in turn helps improve mental wellness. 

Having a healthy social life is also helpful in improving feelings of emptiness. Connect with friends and family, help others, and engage in activities you enjoy. 

Don’t Fight Emptiness Alone—Get Help From a Mental Health Professional

Most of the time, feeling empty is a sign that you may be battling depression. Depression doesn’t go away on its own, and it often gets worse when left untreated. A mental health professional can provide the treatment that is required to effectively alleviate the symptoms of depression. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy at Sequoia Behavioral Health is proven to provide relief from depression and its symptoms.

No matter how mild or severe your concerns are, there is a treatment plan that can drastically improve your feelings of emptiness and alleviate your depression symptoms.

No image Text: No matter how mild or severe your concerns are, there is a treatment plan that can drastically improve your feelings of emptiness and alleviate your depression symptoms

Conquering Depression and Emptiness at Sequoia Behavioral Health

At Sequoia Behavioral Health, our mental health professionals are experts at treating depression and the feelings of emptiness that come with it. 

We offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs that are uniquely designed with your specific mental health needs in mind. After your treatment program is over, we continue to work with you and your outpatient providers to assist you every step of the way. 

We offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, so you can choose the level of care that is right for you while you’re on your healing journey. 

Get started today.

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