Warning Signs of Mental Health Issues

Who are you reaching out for?

Do you have a loved one that seems to be struggling, but you can’t quite tell what’s wrong? If someone you know doesn’t seem like themselves, then they may be struggling with mental health issues.

It’s common for individuals to struggle with mental health issues long before they receive a formal diagnosis. This is because the early signs of mental illnesses are usually subtle, making them easy to overlook. Although your loved one may be suffering from a mental health condition, it can be hard for them to realize that something is actually wrong.

Sometimes, it’s easier for an outsider to recognize the warning signs of mental illnesses than it is for the person experiencing them. Let’s take a look at the common signs of mental health issues and what you should do when you recognize them in your loved one. 

What Are Signs of Mental Health Issues?— Physical and Mental Warning Signs to Look For

It can be hard to determine if your loved one is temporarily going through a hard time or if their struggles are part of an underlying mental health condition. However, there are several indicators that suggest someone is struggling with mental health issues rather than simply going through a tough time. 

Image: Two brunette friends standing next to each other, one has their hand on the other's shoulder.

If your loved one has short-term changes in their mood and behavior due to a particular event, then it usually isn’t cause for concern. Everyone experiences life’s challenges from time to time, and they can lead to stress, anxiety, or sadness. If your loved one reaches out to others, practices healthy coping skills, and has a positive outlook for their future, then they may not be suffering from a mental health condition.

If your loved one has physical and mental symptoms that are persistent and don’t go away, then it is often a sign of an underlying mental health issue.

Explore our mental health services to discover the mental health conditions that we treat and how we treat them. 

Physical Signs of Common Mental Health Issues

physical signs of common mental heal issues, including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

If you notice that your loved one is neglecting their personal hygiene or their living space for long periods of time, then it can be a sign of depression. Individuals suffering from depression often have low energy and no motivation to practice self-care or keep up with daily tasks. Depression also leads to drastic changes in their sleep patterns, appetite, and weight.

For more information, read our full guide on depression symptoms and treatments.

Anxiety causes someone to excessively worry, which can also lead to disrupted sleep patterns and appetite. If your loved one experiences anxiety or anxiety attacks, then they will have a racing heart, shortness of breath, and involuntary shaking or trembling.

Read our full guide on anxiety disorders to learn more.

Bipolar disorder is another common mental health condition, and it has a unique set of physical symptoms. Bipolar is characterized by alternating cycles of depressive and manic states. During a depressive state, they will have low energy, low appetite, and an increased need for sleep. During a manic episode, they will have high energy, high appetite, and insomnia. 

Read our full guide on bipolar disorder to learn more about its symptoms.

Psychiatric Signs of Common Mental Health Issues

Mental signs of common mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

If your loved one constantly feels down, empty, or hopeless, then it’s likely that they’re struggling with depression. Depression strips the joy out of life, and it can make the world seem gray, dull, or uninteresting. Severe depression can make some think that they can’t handle life anymore or the world would be better off without them. These thoughts are called passive suicidal ideations, and they’re a sign that someone needs immediate professional help.

Someone with anxiety will feel persistent fear and worry that causes them to avoid everyday activities like going to work, the grocery store, or social gatherings. Racing thoughts are also a sign of anxiety, and it can cause someone to constantly worry about the worst-case scenario. Overall, anxiety makes someone feel restless, paranoid, and overly sensitive to potential threats.

Read our related article to discover the signs and symptoms of crippling anxiety.

During a depressive episode, someone with bipolar disorder will feel hopeless, worthless, or unmotivated. During a manic episode, it can be harder to tell that something is wrong because they will feel the opposite. Manic episodes are characterized by elevated mood, increased confidence, and increased activity and energy.

What to Do When You See Signs of Mental Health Issues

If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from mental health issues, it’s important to regularly check in with them. When you check in with them, it gives you an opportunity to empathize with their feelings and monitor their mental wellbeing. 

If they are improving, then continue to offer your love and support. If they’re getting worse, then it may be time to seek professional help.

Confronting Your Loved One With Mental Health Issues

It can seem intimidating to confront your loved one when you suspect that they’re struggling with mental health issues. However, confronting your loved one can make sure they receive the help they need to get better.

To confront your loved one with your concerns, make sure you pick a time where they are relaxed and free from distractions. Begin the conversation by showing empathy and concern for their mental wellbeing. When discussing your concerns, make sure you speak from your perspective and avoid using accusatory language or passing judgment. 

Read our related article to discover how to help someone with PTSD.

No image. Text: How to confront someone about their mental health: Speak from your perspective, avoid accusatory language and passing judgement, pick time when they're relaxed,  show empathy and concern.

Encouraging Your Loved One to Seek Professional Help

The stigma surrounding mental health services can cause individuals to resist seeking professional help. Your loved one may not understand the importance of getting their mental health issues treated, especially if they don’t know what they’re suffering from.

When encouraging your loved one to seek professional help, it’s important to normalize mental health services. Let them know that mental health professionals are experts at treating mental health struggles, just like other doctors are experts at treating the body. Give them time to think about it, and avoid pressuring them into making a decision right away.

Supporting Your Loved One Before and During Treatment

If your loved one isn’t ready to begin treatment, you should continue to check in on them, offer them love and emotional support, and encourage them practice self-care. You should also encourage them to practice mindfulness techniques like journaling and meditation. This helps them focus on their mental wellness, and it makes it easier for them to start the mental health treatment they need.

When your loved one begins mental health treatment, continue to offer your love and support. Check in with them regularly, and celebrate small victories and milestones. Mental health treatment is a gradual process, and it’s important to be patient while they’re on their mental health journey. If they experience a setback, remind them that it’s a natural part of the process and encourage them to continue treatment.

Image: Three gal pals around a kitchen table drinking tea, two are holding the third woman's hands, looking concerned. Text: The stigma surrounding mental health services can cause individuals to resist seeking professional help.

Read about different ways to support your loved one during their inpatient treatment at Sequoia Behavioral Health.

Sequoia Behavioral Health—Helping Your Loved One Achieve Mental Wellness

At Sequoia Behavioral Health, we combine proven strategies with compassionate care to help your loved one achieve mental wellness. Our mental health professionals can identify the root of their mental health struggles and develop a treatment plan that’s personalized to them. Whether your loved one has received a formal diagnosis or not, we’re here to help.

If you feel like your loved one is struggling with a mental health condition, reach out to our mental health experts today.