What to Expect From Treatment

Who are you reaching out for?

Over time, psychiatrists have developed many modalities of therapy used for specific cases or personal preferences. Their understanding of how these therapy options work has only grown over time, and now more than ever, there are so many options available for patients.

In this article, we’ll guide you through:

  1. What to expect before your first session
  2. What to expect during a therapy session
  3. What to expect from Sequoia Behavioral Health’s integrative treatment program
  4. What to expect from the different levels of treatment at Sequoia Behavioral Health

At Sequoia Behavioral Health, we take a holistic approach to mental health. If you choose to seek treatment with us we’ll work with you to create a therapy plan that is designed for your specific needs. Here’s what to expect from therapy at Sequoia Behavioral Health.


Before you start your therapy journey, there are a few technicalities that you need to take care of. Getting admitted to a behavioral health program does require some signatures and phone calls.

What to expect before your first therapy session: insurance verification, a phone consultation, and choosing your therapy plan

Verify Insurance (Let us Do it)

Before attending therapy sessions your insurance needs to be verified. Some insurance companies allow a certain number of therapy sessions a year. Others may ask for a formal diagnosis from your general practitioner before starting treatment. 

It’s a good idea to call your insurance company to see what your options are. However, the easiest way to verify your insurance is to ask the treatment facility to handle it.

We can verify your insurance for you so you don’t have to worry about playing phone tag. If you’re interested in starting treatment at Sequoia Behavioral Health, fill out this form as best as you can, and we’ll call you to get any information you weren’t able to find on your own.

This process can feel daunting, but we’ll do the heavy lifting for you.

Phone Consultation

Most places like to hear a bit of your story before admitting you. For us, this happens during a phone consultation.

One of our compassionate, nonjudgmental admissions specialists will talk with you to ensure Sequoia is the right fit for you. If it’s found that it’s not a good fit, we can give you recommendations that may suit you better.

Diagnostics and Assessments

When you arrive at one of our healing centers, you’ll have a conversation with your psychiatrist to build a treatment plan. This includes conversations about your health history, what you’re dealing with, what your goals are, and what you care about. 

This conversation will be the guide to building your personal treatment plan. Treatment plans include what, if any, kind of medication should be used and what kinds of therapies should be implemented.

Before starting any treatment, we’ll gather information about your symptoms, health history, and medication and substance use. Assessment is important as it helps clinicians identify potential ways to move forward.

Learn about the assessment process at Sequoia and what you can expect to get a diagnosis from our psychiatric team.

Levels of Care

Not only are there different options for therapy available, but there are also different options for how you receive care. These options range from live-in facilities to weekly therapy sessions.

levels of treatment: inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization program, intensive outpatient program, and Ongoing Care

We offer three levels of care at Sequoia:

  1. Inpatient treatment
  2. Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  3. Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  4. Ongoing care

Most people will start with inpatient treatment then move into PHP then IOP. However, everybody has a different journey. Some may start in IOP, skip PHP, etc.

Inpatient Treatment

At Sequoia Behavioral Health, we offer an intimate family-style living space that will feel like a home away from home. Clients live together, eat together, and participate in individual and group therapies.

Inpatient treatment lasts 30 days, and during that time you’ll be living at our residential facility. While here you won’t have to worry about anything except getting better. 

After inpatient treatment, most people will move on to PHP and then IOP.

Learn more about our residential treatment program.

Partial Hospitalization Program

Partial hospitalization programs offer you the same level of care as inpatient care but you’ll return home every night. You’ll be spending six hours a day, five days a week at our outpatient facility.

This level of care is often used after inpatient care but before outpatient care or traditional therapy.

Learn more about our partial hospitalization program.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) give you the option to live at home while receiving treatment multiple times a week. This level of care exists somewhere between inpatient and traditional therapy, but you’ll still receive the same programming as the other levels of care at Sequoia.

Our IOP is also designed to help people who have gone through our inpatient treatment to continue their healing journey or those who don’t need residential care.

Learn more about our intensive outpatient program.

Ongoing Care

Before you leave our care, we make sure you have everything you need for continued success. We’ll help connect you with therapists and set up ongoing care after graduation.

What to Expect From Therapy Sessions

When it comes to therapy itself, there are things you can expect to experience.

what to expect during therapy sessions: building trust, active listening, conversation, mindfulness practices, empathy and compassion

Building Trust

Before you can open up to your therapist, it’s important to build trust. Your therapist may build trust by:

  • Talking about the therapy process
  • Setting boundaries 
  • Getting to know you

Some forms of therapy like EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) can be considered very intense for the client. Because of this, your therapist will most likely teach you grounding exercises for you to use if things get too much for you.

Other therapy types like psychoanalysis require a high level of trust between the client and therapist. It may take a while for this trust to grow, but your therapist will do all they can to make sure you’re safe.

Active Listening

Your therapist will take their time listening to you. In most modern therapy modalities, you (the client) are the expert.

Your therapist may interject by asking you a question about how something made you feel, or ask you to engage in a certain exercise, and in some cases may challenge you. However, they should be paying close attention to what you have to say before anything else.


Most forms of therapy are considered talk therapy. If you’re enrolled in a form of talk therapy, you’ll spend a good chunk of time just talking with your therapist and working through what you’re feeling.

A back-and-forth conversation is important for many forms of therapy.

Mindfulness Practices or Stimulation

Many therapists will encourage you to engage in mindfulness practices as part of your treatment. These practices grow your self-awareness.

Some other therapies like:

Use stimulation during therapy sessions. Each of these examples conducts stimulation a bit differently and for a different purpose. For example, EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to activate the brain's natural function of storing memories to process trauma correctly.

Empathy and Compassion

One of the goals of therapy is to create a safe place for you to heal. You should expect your therapist to take an empathetic and compassionate approach to your sessions.

Sequoia Behavioral Health takes this aspect of therapy very seriously. Our staff is trained and wants to care for you compassionately and thoughtfully. We take our job and your mental health seriously.

What to Expect from Different Kinds of Therapy

You might be wondering what kind of therapy you need. The answer to this question is dependent on your situation. What you’re dealing with and who you’re seeking help from.

Here’s a list of different forms of therapy and what makes them unique. If you’re seeking help with us, your plan will include several of these modalities to address your mental well-being holistically.

Image: A phot of just the hands of therapy clients writing in notepads on a wooden table during a group experiential therapy session. Text: While at Sequoia Behavioral Health, you'll engage in many kinds of therapy.

Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapy

This category of therapy uses techniques to help you understand your unconscious thoughts and how they affect your life.

Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies include:

These are built in some way on Sigmund Freud’s theories and often deal with understanding experiences from childhood. 


The brain works in mysterious ways. It’s hard to know exactly what’s going on. It can be frustrating, but neurofeedback helps people understand what’s going on in the brain.

Neurofeedback uses biofeedback from the client’s brain to understand how they respond to certain stimuli. From there, therapists can work with patients to change behaviors.

Learn more about neurofeedback at Sequoia.

Somatic Experiencing

This newer form of therapy uses the brain-body connection to guide people through anxiety, PTSD, grief, and trauma. It’s made up of five steps:

  • Sensation: The client conducts a body scan and notes how they feel regarding the five senses. They describe how their body feels, including muscle tension, heartbeat, and breathing
  • Imagery: The therapist shows guided imagery, and the client describes how they feel when hypothetical scenarios are introduced
  • Behavior: During all of this, the therapist observes any facial expressions or physical movements
  • Affect: The client expresses experiences and learns how to properly recall memories and form cognitions when describing their traumatic experience.
  • Meaning: The client reflects on their experiences and finds meaning. This completes the picture of a traumatic experience

Body-focused therapy is a part of a holistic treatment that resolves physical and psychological trauma symptoms. 

Learn more about somatic experiencing.

Family Therapy

Family therapy might be an important part of your treatment program. During these sessions, you’ll work with a therapist and your family to help build stronger bonds and build a strong support system.

Here, family means chosen family. You don’t need to be blood-related to engage in family therapy. What you need is a group of people who support and love you.

Learn more about family therapy at Sequoia and what your family or loved ones can expect from family therapy


During your time in therapy, your therapist will educate you about psychotherapy and psychology in general. To do this, your therapist may apply any or all of these:

These are not formal education programs but rather frameworks that help therapists educate their clients.

Psychiatric Care

Sequoia Behavioral Health provides psychiatric services to clients who need them. When starting a new mediation, we’ll monitor your reaction and work with you to find solutions that work for you.

Psychiatric care includes:

We are focused on providing holistic options that are scientifically proven to help.

Image: Crystal clear water in a tall class, sitting in the sun on a wooden table. Text: Medication is a key component of many people's mental health treatment

Trauma-Focused Therapy

At Sequoia, we take a trauma-informed approach to everything we do. However, some forms of therapy address trauma specifically. Trauma-addressing therapy includes:

Some approaches to trauma will ask you to “confront” your trauma and thoughts and feelings around it, while others don’t require you to talk directly about it. 

Motivational and Positive Psychotherapy

These forms of therapy help people understand their full potential. Instead of thinking of problems as needing to be fixed, these therapies focus on strengths.

Reevaluating the story you tell yourself can change the way you approach situations and guide you toward the life you want.

Worldview, Culture, and Faith-Informed Therapy

Every therapist should take your faith, culture, race, and worldview into consideration. Here are some forms of therapy that do just that:

Some of these are not specific forms of therapy but are rather approaches that can guide other types of therapy.

Mindfulness-Focused Therapy

Most therapies will include mindfulness in some way. Sitting with your thoughts and working through them is an act of mindfulness on its own. These therapies intentionally integrate mindfulness into the structure and approach:

Behavioral Therapy

All behavioral therapies are built on the idea that thoughts and emotions affect your behavior. Behavioral therapy includes:

The goal of these therapies is for you to better understand your thoughts and emotions and, in turn, change your behavior.

NO image. Text: Behavioral therpay is a common form of therapy that helps people make connections between their thoughts and actions

Finding Healing at Sequoia Behavioral Health

Our programming brings a holistic approach to mental health. We offer a lot of methods of healing, and that’s because we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental wellness. 

If you or a loved one are looking for a place to heal, contact Sequoia Behavioral Health to see if it’s the right place for you