Pharmacogenetic Testing

Our genes can affect how we respond to different medications. Pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing removes much of the trial and error of prescribing behavioral and mental health medications by analyzing your DNA.

A lab tech looking at a DNA sample in a microscope for PGx Testing
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Your body is a complex machine made of complex systems that are meant to all work together to keep you alive. The way these systems operate is all wrapped up in your DNA. 

All of this is carried from parent to child through genes, which we often think of as determining physical traits or inheritable diseases. However, genes also hold information on how well you receive different medication.

What are Genes?

Genes are basic biological units that hold the information needed to construct biological and physical traits. They are sets of DNA that define things like eye color and hair color, but they also define risk factors for certain medical conditions.

In recent years, gene testing has been used to determine how people will react to certain medications. The study of this is called pharmacogenomics, and it’s what PGx testing is all about.

What Genes Affect Reaction to Medication?

Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) is the family of liver enzymes that are most responsible for the neutralizing of impurities in the blood. Your body sees all drugs as impurities and will deploy CYP450 enzymes to break them down. That makes them the most responsible for drug metabolization, or removing the drug from your system.

The speed at which your body breaks down drugs is determined by how much CYP450 your body produces. The more enzymes you produce, the quicker your body will get rid of drugs or medications. If this happens too fast, you may not receive any benefit from your medications. But if it’s too slow, you could experience negative side effects.

How much CYP450 your body produces is determined by your genes. That’s what makes PGx testing such an effective way to determine drug reactions before they occur.

No image. Text: Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) is the family of liver enzymes that are most responsible for metabolizing drugs and medications.

What is PGx Testing?

PGx testing, or drug gene testing, tests the DNA that affects your response to medication. However, this kind of test only measures reactions to medications, not the heritage of medical or physical traits.

The Benefit of PGx Testing

PGx testing removes most of the guesswork when finding the appropriate prescription for you. Some medications don’t work well for everyone. Incorrect dosage or medicine type can cause side effects that exacerbate symptoms. This is especially true for mental health conditions. 

Trial periods for antidepressants can be as long as 12 weeks. During that time patients could experience any number of symptoms and they might not work all together. This can also cost a lot of extra money.

PGx tests give healthcare providers the information they need to make better decisions while writing a prescription. Getting your prescription as correct as possible the first time will cost less and get you started down the path to healing sooner.

How is PGx Testing Done?

PGx tests are non-intrusive and only require a mouth swab, saliva sample, or a blood test. A healthcare provider is required to order and administer the test and in most cases, the test is done with just a simple mouth swab.

When is PGx Testing Done?

If you’re a patient of Sequoia Behavioral Health, drug gene testing may be done after your intake assessment with our psychiatrist. The two of you will discuss medication options including pharmacogenomic testing. 

PGx tests are usually done before:

  • Starting a new treatment
  • Adjusting your dosage
  • Changing your medication

At Sequoia, we encourage all of our clients to do PGx testing when they begin treatment, especially those who enroll in our inpatient program. As we only have a limited amount of time with you for residential treatment, we want to make sure we do everything to make sure it’s as effective as possible.

Imgae: A doctor going through a health chart with a patient. Text: PGx tests are usually done before starting a new treatment, adjusting your dosage, and changing your medication.

Who is PGx Testing For?

PGx testing is a great option for people who are about to begin treatment with:

Each of these categories are pharmaceuticals that could cause negative side effects or worsen the condition if the prescription is incorrect. Whether or not PGx testing is good for your specific medication needs will be up to your medical provider and you.

PGx testing is groundbreaking technology that makes the testing period for several medical treatments much faster. For those who are experiencing anxiety, depression, or several other mental health conditions, drug gene testing can remove the negative side effects and frustration associated with beginning a new medication.

No image. Text: PGx testing is a great option for people who are about to begin treatment with antidepressants, epilepsy medication, medication for ADHD, and opioid medication.

PGx Testing at Sequoia Behavioral Health

Pharmacogenetic testing is a new tool that healthcare providers can use to nearly eliminate all the guessing when starting a new prescription. Sequoia Behavioral Health is paving the way for Primary Mental Health Facilities by adopting PGx testing into our clients’ medication management. 

Our Partnership With Fulgent

Our Pharmacogenetic testing is done through Fulgent Laboratory and we offer the testing as part of our individualized inpatient care. During your first discussion with a psychiatrist, you’ll discuss current and potential medication as well as PGx testing. 

If a drug gene test could benefit your treatment, we’ll collect a saliva sample using a cheek swab provided by Fulgent. After the test is sent out, we could get results back as quickly as possible, sometimes within a week. From there we'll use the results to find the best medication options for you.

Personalized Treatment

Everyone is different. How you experience life and your mental health journey will be different from other people. How you react to medications may also be different from other people. 

We take the questioning out of medication choice by using PGx testing to determine what choices would be best for your individualized holistic treatment. Learn more about our admissions process, or contact us and learn how we can help you down your mental health journey.